The Daily Heat Index: Megan Fox Takes Her Talents to Primetime TV

Plus, Jessica Simpson gets sloppy on HSN, and we watch a death-defying mountain bike stunt.

Here’s your daily dose of what’s heating up the internet:

Megan Fox to Bring New Life to ‘New Girl’

Megan Fox has swooped in to fill in for Jess (Zooey Deschanel) while she’s away for painful amounts of Jury Duty (also known in real life as maternity leave). The Transformers star is set to play Reagan, the newest resident of the loft who is sure to shake things up with her undeniable beauty and… possible comedic wit? Only time will tell, but with this new addition to the cast, we’re sure to see a serious ratings boost courtesy of former Mrs. Austin Green

You Okay, Jessica?

Last night, Jessica Simpson invaded the airwaves to promote her eponymous line of clothing on the Home Shopping Network. But there was just one catch: throughout the program, Simpson appeared to slur her words, interject fits of giggles, and chatter in a pretty much nonsensical way. While sources deny any prior alcohol consumption, this, and the admission that her sister Ashlee and husband Evan Ross share their jeans, led some viewers to think Jess may have gotten more than a little tipsy before taking the stage. You do you, girl.

Bike For Your Life

Mountain biking can be an exhilarating experience. Same with slacklining. Combining the two into a 367-foot-high tightrope walk is nothing short of terrifying. But mountain biking champion Kenny Belaey gave it a shot in the La Plagne ski area in the French Alps for Red Bull. Watch, and try not to get vertigo.

Photos by Paul Zinken/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images​

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