Watch Jennifer Lawrence Stuff 10 Marshmallows Into Her Mouth

Is there nothing this woman can’t do?

Jennifer Lawrence continues to build her sexy-grossout street cred in the latest segment of MTV’s Camp Mockingjay.

Hunger Games stars Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth joined the campfire talkshow series to discuss each other’s disgusting habits and prove how normal Jennifer Lawrence is. Really —she’s just like us! Except she has an Oscar and two Golden Globes and made $52 million last year.

In the game of Truth or Dare, the actors were asked to reveal their most offensive habits before Jennifer was dared to stuff the better part of a bag of marshmallows in her face. Turns out, Lawrence doesn’t wash her hands after going to the bathroom — which, personally, I find more noteworthy than the fact that she can fit a number of soft, squishy, malleable sugar treats into her cheeks. Not to undermine her accomplishments, but the number she *actually* fit in her mouth was eight. Liam had to help her with the next two, which kind of just stuck to the marshmallows that were already hanging out of her sexy mouth.

Then she told a genuinely funny story. Watch it here:

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