The New “Anchorman” Ice Cream Tastes Like Scotchy Scotch Scotch

We’re glad they went with that flavor and not their first choice, “Whale’s Vagina.”

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues is hitting movie theaters on December 20th, and Paramount is going all out to make sure people know about it. We were already excited for the sequel to the comedy classic (which reunites core cast Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, David Koechner, and former Maxim cover girl Christina Applegate), but with their latest gimmick – a Ben & Jerry’s Anchor Man-themed ice cream – they’ve definitely got our attention.

Called Scotchy Scotch Scotch – a reference to Ron Burgundy’s legendary vocal warm-up – it’s butterscotch ice cream with butterscotch swirls, and you can taste the majesty of Ron’s mustache with every bite. The man himself had this to say about the release: “Scotchy Scotch Scotch is a delicious ice cream and I hope Ben and Jerry consider my other suggestions – malt liquor marshmallow, well liquor bourbon peanut butter, and cheap white wine sherbet.” If any of those end up being made, we hope they’re as good as the Scotchy Scotch Scotch, because a batch was delivered to our office this morning, and it disappeared down into our collective bellies faster than a water-skiing squirrel.

Embarrassingly, we did have to Google “butterscotch” to see if there’s any actual Scotch in it, and sadly, the answer is no. We’re so upset we’re gonna go kill someone with a trident. After we’ve watched the new Anchorman 2 trailer again, anyway.

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