Here’s Exactly How Many Hours of Porn People Watched in 2015
The number is staggering.

On Wednesday, Pornhub dropped their annual Year in Review, in which the porn company breaks down every iota of porn you consume, where you consume it, when, and for how long.
The results? In the 21.2 billion visits garnered over the year, people consumed a whopping 4,392,486,580 hours of good old fashioned pornography, according to their analytics.
Four. Billion. Hours. As their handy infographic points out, that’s “2.5 longer than homo sapiens have been on earth.”

Not only have visits grown year after year, but the amount of time spent on the site is increasing as well, jumping four seconds over last year to an average session of 9 minutes and 20 seconds. These numbers may not seem that amazing, but when you consider that this is merely one porn hub of the hundreds pornographic websites, the sheer volume of time spent watching porn with a capital P around the world must be staggering.
Speaking of: In case you are seized by an intense feeling of patriotism, yes, the United States still tops the charts in per capita page views, coming in at 135 pages visited per citizen on average. However, the folks in the Philippines spent more time on the site, with an average of 12 minutes and 45 seconds. Americans were only there for a paltry 9 minutes and 51 seconds. Oh well, you can’t win ’em all.
Congrats, mankind! While we could have been dedicating that time to curing diseases, brokering peace deals, or finally catching up on all that Homeland saved up on your DVR, you were busy going to town on yourselves. What a world we live in.