This Black-Masked Sniper Is Taking Down ISIS One Terrorist at a Time
Combined Iraqi and allied forces have the Islamic State on the run.

Commandos and soldiers putting the boots to the Islamic State know one thing: terror works well against terrorists. There are the amazing skull-faced warriors in the Iraqi Army’s Golden Division, a sniper in Mosul taking out jihadis in the middle of barbaric executions, and Kurdish fighters in Mad Max-like war machines. Also on the front lines: black-masked badasses like Riyad Jaffar.
Jaffar’s photo was taken by the Associated Press at a checkpoint where he was standing guard, armed with a high-powered sniper rifle. He has been on patrol just outside Qaraya, which is just 30 miles or so from the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, Iraq.
While the Kurds and Iraqi soldiers like Jaffar have been steadily liberating towns as they advance, Mosul will need all these fighters combined to get rid of the ISIS scourge. Reuters reports that good guys have an expanding foothold in the sizable city, but they still have major challenges to face, like skittish civilians, IEDs and worst of all, desperate jihadi suicide bombers.
It looks like the ISIS stranglehold on the Iraq and Syria border is all but broken, but snipers like Jaffar still have their work cut out for them.
h/t NY Post