Check Out Calvin Klein’s Raunchy Spring 2016 Ad Campaign
Featuring Kendall Jenner getting sexy with a grapefruit, a bare butt, and other NSFW things.

Calvin Klein’s spring 2016 campaign is everything you’d expect. Classy, iconic, and more than ever, sexual. It’s all about bare butts, crotch shots, midriffs, and Kendall Jenner squeezing grapefruits. Like we said – sexual.

Featuring the likes (and butts and bellies) of Abby Lee Kershaw, Klara Kristin, Kendall Jenner, and Saskia de Brauw, the campaign is fittingly called “Erotica.” Because that’s what it is. Erotic.

Famous for other NSFW editorial shoots, like this one for Double No. 31, the photographer, Harley Weir, clearly captures everything intended in the racy pictures. Like the one of a model wearing jeans backwards for some sexy butt-cleavage.
The campaign also has a campaign video shot by photographer and filmmaker Tyrone Lebon, starring Klara Kristin being sexy on the ground, Fetty Wap being Fetty Wap, Justin Bieber showing off his nipples, and Abby Lee Kershaw topless, along with other famous faces. Watch it here.