Pamela Anderson Says She’s Been ‘Called Nasty Names’ In Bed
She claims her anti-porn crusade is about better sex.

Since she was a Maxim cover girl in the 1990s Pamela Anderson has been up to a lot, including her most recent—and perhaps surprising, for a woman who starred in a famous sex tape—project: stamping out porn.
When the Baywatch star announced her belief that Americans should turn away from skin videos in an August essay in the Wall Street Journal, her co-author Rabbi Shmuley Boteach added an air of moral cause to the effort. Turns out Anderson’s reasons for believing porn isn’t helping anyone may be kind of practical.
In an interview with British talk show This Morning that was highlighted by Us Magazine, Anderson indicated that she believes porn is just bad for sex. “People are becoming desensitized,” she said, “And things are getting weirder and stranger.”
Still, Anderson was clear about her perspective. “We’re not prudes,” she said, “We’re not saying we want no sex, we’re saying we want better sex.”
Pamela Anderson was honest about her own role as a sex symbol and unintentional porn star in the widely-distributed sex tape she made with Tommy Lee, which was stolen from their private collection. “Have you ever been treated like a porn star in bed?” she said, “It’s not nice. I’ve been spat on and called nasty names.
“People think I am wild and crazy,” Anderson said, “I know I am part of the problem.”
That’s not going to stop her from her crusade, though. And if we’re going to listen to anyone’s opinion about how less porn might actually improve things in the bedroom, we’ll listen to hers.
h/t Us Magazine