Bar Of The Week: Instant

We’re heading back to Hungary for another gloriously weird watering hole.

The awesome girls of are here to help you find the world’s greatest watering holes.

Instant, Budapest, Hungary

This place is a trip; give your mind over to madness at the door. Budapest’s “ruin pubs”, as they’re called, are notorious hotbeds of creative craziness, but Instant is BarChick’s favorite. Spread over two tenement houses, you can wander the labyrinth of 23 rooms – each an installation – like a giant fun house. You’ll find an upside down room with all the furniture on the ceiling, an enchanted garden, a sinister dental chair to sit in, rabbits flying through the air, light shows, and music everywhere. The best thing is that with six bars to choose from, you can always get a drink, and there seems to be a constant dance party in the basement. Go get ruined!

Bar Of The Week: El Tocororo

Bar Of The Week: A38