Las Vegas police arrest a woman for having sex. In her backyard. With a pitbull.
Photo: Sylvia Barney / iStockPhoto & LVMPD
In a scene that could have come straight out of Reno 911, Las Vegas police arrested Kara Vandereyk for “engaging in sexual acts” with a dog. And since it was in her backyard, Vandereyk’s neighbors got an eye-full before calling the authorities. When the police arrived, the naked 20-year-old — who was reportedly either mentally ill or on some sort of drugs — stood up and said “Hi!” before officers covered her in a blanket. She later told authorities she was bipolar and on prescription medication.
Seeing as Vandereyk’s mugshot looks like an “after” photo from that horrifying “Faces of Meth” series, we’re going to go with the “drugs” excuse, not that anything actually excuses this kind of public performance. Usually you have to go to Tijuana for that kind of show. Vandereyk was charged with open or gross lewdness, and the dog was removed by animal control. The end.
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Las Vegas police arrest a woman for having sex. In her back yard. With a pitbull.