These Are the 10 Best Tequilas, According to 10,000 Tequila Drinkers

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Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

Don Julio

There’s something a little mystical about tequila. For whatever reason, fans of the earthy liquor distilled from Agave often talk about it like it’s somehow set apart from other kinds of booze such as whiskey or vodka

Whether that’s due to urban legends about trippy experiences after swallowing the worm from a bottle of mezcal (which isn’t even the same drink, though they’re often lumped in together) or what, we don’t know.

We do know that people have opinions about what makes for good tequila. And Ranker decided to settle the question of which tequila is the best overall with a survey of 10,000 tequila lovers. The results might surprise you, and if you are a hardcore tequila drinker who keeps a back stock of margarita salt and are never without a lime on hand and ready to slice, they might even piss you off. 

Here are the top ten, in reverse order, for the next time you make a booze-only shopping list. 

10. Cazadores

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9. Casa Noble

8. Tres Generaciones  

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7. Corralejo  

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6. Milagro 

. Cabo Wabo 

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4. 1800 Tequila 

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3. Herradura

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2. Patron

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1. Don Julio

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