Beery Beermas, y’all!
Brand:Anchor’s 2012 Christmas Ale
Price: Magnums, $15.99-$16.99; Six-packs, $9.99-$10.99
Why You Want It: A yearly tradition in San Francisco, Anchor Brewing’s Christmas Ale is one of the best things about being a man during the holiday season. The pumpkiny brew goes great with with turkey, ham, pies, and any other thing that will probably make you chubby this December. Anchor keeps their malts and hops top secret but we can tell you it’s full of delicious notes of clove and sudsy deliciousness. The Christmas Ale is brewed one time only and since the world is ending, you might want to get on trying it ASAP. Then, use our Armageddon Prep Gift Guide and fight like hell.
Want more booze? Check out the Bacon Cheeseburger Bloody Mary.
Want more gifts? Check out the rest of Maxim’s 2012 Holiday Gift Guide.
2012 Anchor Christmas Ale
Beery Beermas, y'all!