We get it, you’re in love, horny, or bitter. You can stop sharing now.
Facebook is a wonderful tool for many things – stalking exes; letting future employers know that you like to take your pants off whenever you’ve had more than three beers; stalking other exes, etc. – but around this time of year, it’s made unbearable thanks to the following types of compulsive over-sharers.
5. The Just-Been-Dumped
4. The So-In-Love-That-You-Couldn’t-Possibly-Even-Believe-It-Like-No-One-Has-Ever-Been-This-In-Love-Like-EVER-You Guyyyys
3. The Conspiracy Theorist
2. The Failing Celebrity Marriage
1. The Liar
Social Media Explained (With High School Stereotypes)
Girls in Red