Adam Sandler and Christopher McDonald Say They’re Open To ‘Happy Gilmore 2’



Earlier in February, Christopher McDonald (Shooter McGavin) and Adam Sandler (the title character in Sandler’s 1996 golf comedy Happy Gilmore) tweeted videos at each other–in character–to celebrate the movie’s 25th anniversary. One easy conclusion from that exchange? A Happy sequel might be in the works.

Based on the tweeted video from The Dan Patrick Show, it looks like even if no one has written a script yet, Sandler and McDonald would only be too happy to jump in and play their characters again. 

Host Dan Patrick first asked Sandler (“Sandman”) if a sequel was actually in the works and he said no. But the actor then admitted he loved the idea of a sequel with Happy and Shooter competing in the PGA Masters Tournament. 

“Sandman,” said Patrick, “Can I greenlight this?”

Sandler paused, clearly thinking pretty hard. Then with a decisive nod, he said, “Yes. Yes, you can greenlight this.” He started to say more but Patrick jumped on the exchange with music and a joking announcement that the movie is likely to happen.

Christopher McDonald was two thumbs-up in on the idea. “I am double in,” he told Dan Patrick, “Everybody’s been screaming for it–like Adam said–on the internet, and I just gotta say it would be a complete blast. The senior tour with us two … oh my God.”

As Inside Hook noted, this is a turnaround for Sandler, who has said in years past that he didn’t think a Happy sequel would happen. 

Then again, he said that before he signed a $275 million development deal with Netflix in January 2020. And before he revealed that he’d been hiding Oscar-caliber acting chops under his many boyish, goofy characters through the years with a stunning dramatic turn in the Safdie Brothers noir, Uncut Gems

Let’s be real, at this point Sandler can totally greenlight just about whatever he wants and get the financial backing to make it. If a Happy Gilmore 2 script-in-progress isn’t already in someone’s desktop folder in Hollywood, it will be soon. 

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