To celebrate the return of Arrested Development, banana stands are popping up everywhere. That sounds dirty.
We believe that the new season of Arrested Development will help make May the best month ever. Not only is it one of the funniest shows in the history of television—that’s not an opinion, by the way—but its return is also giving us the opportunity to eat…frozen bananas! Netflix, the wonderful folks who are bringing the cancelled-way-too-soon show back after a seven-year hiatus, is launching the “Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana Stand Worldwide Tour.” (For non-AD addicts, the banana stand was featured during the show’s original run, which you should watch immediately in its entirety. We’ll wait.) The stand is making its debut today in London, but it will soon cross the pond and appear in various U.S. cities leading up to the show’s fourth season premiere on May 26th. Word is that the tour will also include “special surprise appearances by the Bluth family and friends.” Follow @ArrestedDev on Twitter for info on when the stand will be hitting a city near you. Never Nude’s the world over, it is truly time to rejoice!
Arrested Development returns with 15 new episodes beginning May 26 on Netflix.
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