WoodRocket is the premiere destination for porn parodies. They’ve created XXX spoofs for everything and everyone from Spongebob Squarepants to Game of Thrones to Donald Trump. And they’re at it again. Just in time forBack to the Future Day (October 21st), Lee Roy Meyers and WoodRocket have announced a Back to the Future porn parody.
Titled Fap to the Future, it won’t be released (or even filmed, gotta love porn scheduling) until November, but iO9 posted an exclusive look at the hilarious — and impressive — teaser trailer.
“Featured in this teaser is The D-lorean, aka the Dicklorean, a time-traveling sex machine,” Meyers told io9. The film itself is about “Marty DickFly taking Cock Brown’s invention back in time. And yes, the machine is powered by 1.21 jizzawatts, and has to get up to 88 orgasms per hour in order to travel through time.”
The real question is: can you bring yourself to jerk off to it?