The New ‘Blade Runner 2049’ Trailer Teases an All-Out War Between Humans and Replicants


The second full-length trailer of the Blade Runner sequel premiered during Good Morning America on Monday, and it paints an extremely dire picture of circumstances in 2049.

It is full of enigmatic and teasing one-liners from stars Ryan Gosling (Officer K), Harrison Ford (Rick Deckard), Jared Leto (Wallace) and Robin Wright, but all sings point squarely at an impending war between humans and replicants.

“Replicants are the future, but I can only make so many,” Leto says at the beginning of the trailer from his Dr. Evil-worthy lair. 

“If this gets out, we’ve bought ourselves a war,” Wright later says, perhaps alluding to the discovery Officer Deckard is still alive.

The trailer concludes with a hint that the future of mankind may be revealed in the film. “The future of this species is finally unearthed,” Leto says.

Director Denis Villeneuve has been maddeningly tight-lipped about his follow-up to Ridley Scott’s 1982 cyberpunk classic so we will continue to gamely search for clues in any upcoming trailers.

Blade Runner 2049 hits theaters on October 6, 2017.

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