What happened Brit? The pop tart’s recent decline landed her on our list of The Unsexiest Women Alive.
See what Britney could have gotten into when she was bald!
Before the meltdown, Britney’s babymaking earned her a spot on our list of The Hottest Hollyood MILFS.
K-Fed isn’t the only man left who’s been left behind. Check out Britney and 15 other women who untied the knot with our look at the ladies who are living single.
Blender managed to catch up with Kevin Federline just days before Britney announced the split. Watch what K-Fed had to say about his career and his marriage (including what he was going to buy Brit for Christmas).
While you’re there, check out Blender’s gallery of the couple in their better days.
And, finally, look back at Britney’s ballyhooed feud with Christina Aguilera.