Britney Spears’ ‘Toxic’ Without Auto-Tune Just Leaked Online, And It’s Actually Way Better than the Original

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Pop queen Britney Spears hasn’t shied from Auto-Tune in the past, which might belie her natural singing talents.

In case you weren’t convinced, audio just hit YouTube of her 2003 hit “Toxic” sans all the Auto-Tune. Surprising many, the song sounds even better with Brit’s real voice shining through.

Compare it to the autotuned version you are familiar with, below.

You gotta wonder why producers messed with the vocals in the first place. Mind you: this song was released in the early 00s, when you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting a bubble-gum pop track that hadn’t been autotuned to death.

Now there is no doubt: Britney is a pop goddess, and the rest of us are just her humble disciples. 

But she is also the queen of sexy fitness Instagrams. Check out some of her hottest examples below.

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