Will Bryan Cranston One Day Play a Marvel Villain?

A Walter White with superpowers would kick ass.

Boys often dream of becoming their favorite superheroes —of wielding badass superpowers for the good of humanity. It seems actor Bryan Cranston, 59, grew up to be a bit more cynical.

The actor recently told Metro.co.uk that his dream role would be villainous. “You know what I’d like to do? I’d like to do some big superhero villain in some Marvel classic,” he said. When asked which villain he’d like to play, Cranston professed bigger plans: “Create one from scratch… I don’t know what I would do but it would be nasty.”

It seems he’s been plotting this one up for a long time. 

If there’s any actor that could sway a Marvel exec into letting him dream up his own sinister creation, it’s Walter White. Cranston was vaulted to superstardom for his portrayal of the unscrupulous antihero of the TV series Breaking Bad, which won him four Emmys and a Golden Globe in 2014. And fans of the series would certainly be down to see more dastardly deeds from the roguish actor.

Until then, be sure to check out Cranston as screenwriter Dalton Trumbo in the forthcoming biopic Trumbo, out November 6, 2015.

Photos by Getty Images

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