Adam Scott and Amy Poehler will be doing a shot-by-shot remake of the intro to an ’80s TV drama. You read that right.
Photo: Larry Busacca / Getty Images | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2013
You may recall several months ago when Adam Scottand Jon Hamm participated in the “Greatest Event in Television History.” In case you forgot (moron!), the Parks & Recreation and Mad Men stars made an incredibly faithful (and incredibly insane) shot-by-shot remake of the opening credits to Simon & Simon, a pretty much forgotten ’80s detective series. Well, last night on Fallon, Scott revealed that he and his Parks & Rec costar Amy Poehler will be doing the same thing with yet another hour-long drama. But which one will it be? Here are our best guesses.
It makes sense. After all, Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd’s will-they-or-won’t-they detectives were the ’80s version of Parks & Rec‘s Ben and Leslie.
Hart to Hart
Was every ’80s drama about moonlighting detectives? Seriously.
The A-Team
OK, it’s probably not this one…but how awesome is this opening?
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