Check Out These Exclusive Clips From Porn Horror Flick “Lucky Bastard”

Is this the best date movie ever? We're going with probably not.

Just when we thought there was nothing left in the oft-scraped barrel labeled “found-footage horror movie,” along comes a film with a fun, fresh new take on the premise. Lucky Bastard follows the bloody events that transpire after one seemingly geeky loner wins a contest to have sex with his favorite porn star – on camera, obviously. Already getting positive reviews from horror aficionados, it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re into scary movies, or if you just need a reason to scare yourself off porn for a while. Best of all, if you’re in New York, it’s getting a theatrical release on Valentine’s Day, and everyone knows that there’s nothing more romantic than movies about porn and murder. Horror fans in LA can check it out on March 7, after which, the movie will be screened in various cities throughout the spring. Check out two exclusive clips from Lucky Bastard below:

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