Chris Hadfield, World’s Coolest Astronaut, Covers “Space Oddity”…In Space!

The International Space Station is now 100% more Bowie.

The International Space Station is now 100% more Bowie. 

For the last five months, the impressively mustachioed Chris Hadfield has served aboard the International Space Station as commander of Expedition 35, and in doing so has delighted fans across the globe with his series of zero-gravity youtube videos. What we’ve learned is that even the most mundane tasks — washing your hands wringing water from a wet towel or making space sandwiches — are extremely fucking cool when they’re done in space. But Hadfield, who this weekend transferred the Space Station’s command to Commander Pavel Vivogradov of Russia, saved his best for last: a music video covering “Space Oddity,” David Bowie’s classic from 1969. And it is amazing:

For now, we’ll all just have to wait until the technology is available for Hadfield to record his version of “Life on Mars” . . . On Mars.

Want more music? Get Your LCD Soundsystem Fix With Max Joseph’s New Documentary and Science Fact: Your Dog Doesn’t Like Your Singing

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