‘Extraction’ Starring Chris Hemsworth Set To Be Biggest Netflix Movie Ever

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In the Netflix Russo Brothers-directed movie Extraction, the streaming giant has a certified hit. Maybe one of its biggest ever, given that there’s already apparently a sequel in the works. And Netflix has Chris Hemsworth and some truly intense action to thank for that. Watch the background video above to see what it took to pull off some of Tyler Rake’s (Hemsworth’s lead character) toughest moves.

If the behind-the-scenes look doesn’t give viewers a sense of what a thrill ride they’re in for when they watch Extraction, nothing will. 

Hemsworth himself took to social media to thank his fans for the movie’s runaway success. 

That amazing success, by the way, quickly led to screenwriter Joe Russo closing a deal to write a sequel, according to an interview he gave Deadline. “The deal is closed for me to write Extraction 2, and we are in the formative stages of what the story can be,” Russo reportedly said, “We’re not committing yet to whether that story goes forward, or backward in time. We left a big loose ending that leaves question marks for the audience.”

For his part, a beaming Hemsworth took to Instagram “to say a massive ‘thank you’ to everyone who has checked out Extraction.” 

Hemsworth said that viewers have “made it the number one film on the planet right now [and] it looks like it’s gonna be Netflix’s biggest feature film of all time, which is absolutely mind-blowing. We are blown away by the response and the support.” 

Rake, Hemsworth’s character, is a “black-market mercenary who has nothing to lose is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned international crime lord,” which about as straightforward an action premise as you’ll find. While the movie has middling Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes scores, a graphic Hemsworth published on Instagram indicates Netflix users aren’t paying attention to any of that.

According to the claim in the graphic, Extraction has been seen in “an estimated 90 million households […] in the first 4 weeks.”

As Uproxx notes, however, Netflix does use what could be considered a questionable metric to measure that popularity—a user only has to play a movie for two minutes in order for it to count as a view. This is a big change from the way the streamer previously measured viewership when account holders had to watch up to 70 percent of whatever they clicked.

Will there be sequels, possibly a series of movies? Hemsworth doesn’t say outright in his video, but 90 million clicks say the chances we’ll see him in action again as Tyler Rake are excellent.

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