Vegans Freak Out After Chris Pratt Slaughters a Lamb and Posts Shots of the Meat
“We will eat off him for a month.”
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Lovable rogue and Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt can do no wrong. He’s such an affable guy, it’s hard to imagine anyone getting mad at him. Until he starts chopping up baby sheep, that is.
Vegans and vegetarians are pissed—big time—and the Insta embed above shows why.

Pratt had been off social media for a month (and now probably wishes he’d stayed off), but felt compelled to post the delicious photo above with a brief account of the lamb’s life. He obviously meant to emphasize it had been treated well right up to the moment it was killed, and it was clear he believed it was a good and positive thing that as much of the lamb as possible would be used, not wasted.
His Instagram followers did not agree. Some wrote screeds too long to quote here, but there were plenty of short comments as well.
matitaumm Wow!! I’m vegan… no need to kill to be feed so… sorry but i will unfollow you right away!! #govegan @prattprattpratt all the animals have the rights to live!!!
67deadlift It takes a truly sick individual to look at a life & death as “unplugging a tv”
_marissalaurel Wow. Shame.
trisha4_22 Too much money up your ass, no more room for human decency a d compassion.
There were tons of comments coming to Pratt’s defense, but in a way they were drowned out by the level of viciousness coming from vegans. Stronger comments than anything quoted above, like “You murdered someone and now you are bragging about it on social media,” and “…Unplugging a TV!!!! I expect that’s kinda how Hitler felt about the jews.”
Pratt’s reps have yet to make any comment on the controversy.
We’re just wondering about his butcher’s name, “Wocka.”
Does Waka Flocka Flame have a side job we never knew about?