Chrissy Teigen Deletes Twitter Because of ‘Negativity’, Says Goodbye to Followers
“This no longer serves me as positively as it serves me negatively, and I think that the right time to call something.”

Chrissy Teigen is quitting Twitter after more than a decade on the social media platform because she’s tired of all the bad vibes.
Teigen—a Twitter superstar who is also a former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, feminist activist and best-selling cookbook author—signed off with a final series of tweets.
“For over 10 years, you guys have been my world. I honestly owe so much to this world we have created here,” Teigen began. “But it’s time to say goodbye. This no longer serves me as positively as it serves me negatively, and I think that the right time to call something.”

Teigen went on to explain that she’s felt pressure to portray herself as something she’s not on the platform.
“I’ve always been portrayed as the strong clap back girl, but I’m just not. My desire to be liked and fear of pissing people off has made me somebody you didn’t sign up for, and a different human than I started out here as!”
She also emphasized how impactful a tweet can be.
“Never forget that your words matter. For years I have taken so many small, 2-follower count punches that at this point, I am honestly deeply bruised.”
But Teigen also didn’t claim to have always behaved perfectly on Twitter, either.
“I’ve made my mistakes and been held accountable for them. I’ve learned an incredible amount here. God I have said fucked up shit and killed myself over it as much as you killed me. But one thing I haven’t learned is how to block out the negativity.”
Teigen concluded with, “I love you guys and I cherish our time together, I truly do. I also hate you.”
As of March 25, Teigen’s Twitter account was no longer searchable. At least we can still find her on Instagram.