The Daily Heat Index: Watch Britney Spears Pull A Midnight Prank At Jimmy Kimmel’s House

There are definitely worse ways to be woke up...

Here’s a daily dose of what’s heating up the internet:

In the Bedroom with Britney
On Wednesday night, Jimmy Kimmel Live! aired a clip in which Britney Spears, her topless male dancers, and a dude draped in disco lights crept into the host’s bedroom as he slept. Kimmel was woken up to blaring dance music and the pop sensation next to him in bed, gyrating and whipping her hair around. He then got the added treat of the male dancers thrusting their junk just above his head — all before his morning cup of joe. Quite the prankster himself, Kimmel was gracious and affable. “Thanks for coming by,” he said. Just… never do that to him again.

Harley Wears Short Shorts
Amongst the many bad reviews for Suicide Squad is a new conspiracy that Harley Quinn’s red and blue sparkly bottoms were edited to show off a little more cheek during this year’s SDCC footage. When asked about it herself, star Margot Robbie said “I didn’t know about that… having been there on the day, they were very small. But wow, I wonder if they did? That would be extensive Photoshopping to do.” And besides, who want to to deprive the world of such glorious glutes?

Standing Up to Bullies
Stephen Colbert’s interview with wrestler-turned-actor John Cena was cut short when “Butch, the studio bully” barged in to pick on the late night host. To help Colbert take on his enemy, the two began an untraditional Rocky-like training session, incorporating punch bags, jump ropes, and cake frosting. But in the end, it was ultimately Cena’s “face killing” threat that scared Butch away for good. Watch for yourself:

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