Here’s a daily dose of what’s heating up the internet:
Indecisiveness, Apathy, and Urination
When is this trio going to get their own daytime talk show? The guys over at HitFix had the opportunity to interview Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth during their press tour for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2, and they discussed a bunch of stuff that had little to do with the actual movie. The stars talk about what they miss about life before they were famous, the troubles of peeing outside, and Jennifer Lawrence‘s ‘finnicky’ feline co-star. Watch the interview below (over and over again):
Real-Life Candy Crush
Stephen Colbert imagined what Candy Crush: The Movie would be like and it’s hilariously intense. Then again, what else could we expect from something starring Liam Neeson?
Tombstoned Turkey
It’s important to tenderize your bird early. It’s Thanksgiving season right now, a time to pause and reflect on the value of family, friends, food, and if you’re The Undertaker, finishing moves. The WWE Legend graced the stage of The Tonight Show yesterday to perform his signature move, and boy, was it a treat. We feel an inexplicable satisfaction, staring into The Undertaker’s flickering, soulless eyes just moments after he crushes the skull of his seasonal foe (WWE’s Brad Maddox). We appreciate any opportunity to link our favorite wrestler to the upcoming holiday, and definitely hope he’ll return next time for the leftovers.