The Daily Heat Index: Colbert Gives James Bond a Hand in ‘Deleted’ Scene from Spectre

Plus, 'Mean Tweets' are back and we watch Aziz Ansari talk political science myths. 

Here’s a daily dose of what’s heating up the internet:

Cars Go Boom

If there’s one constant to the Bond franchise, it’s that 007 frequently drives some of the most beautiful and deadly cars available — and promptly destroys them. On Wednesday’s Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Daniel Craig and Colbert showed the sad, hilarious reality of Bond’s automotive exploits.

Mean Tweets: CMA Edition

There are few things better than watching celebrities get berated via social media. In honor of the CMA’s, Jimmy Kimmel’s always hilarious ‘Mean Tweets’ had a little country twang, enlisting several A-list stars to read back some of the heinous things said about them. Start your morning off right with the clip below, and then decide whether or not to remove Rascal Flatts from your Spotify playlist.

Ansari Pokes Fun at Politics

The only reason we love the election cycle is for all the late night TV fodder. Thank you, Fallon/Kimmel/Colbert, etc, for making politics bearable. Last night, Aziz Ansari graced The Tonight Show with his presence and rocked an eerily accurate Bobby Jindal impression. Enjoy:

Photos by CBS

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