The Daily Heat Index: Jennifer Lawrence May Have Been Stoned at the Oscars At One Point

Photo: Charles Sykes / Bravo

Here’s a daily dose of what’s heating up the internet:

Jennifer Lawrence Speaks the Truth
A-lister J-Law is known for saying (and doing) whatever is on her mind. She’s normal, just like everyone else, and she makes mistakes. When she stopped by Andy Cohen’s ‘WWHL’ for a chat, the host challenged her to a game of ‘Plead the Fifth,’ where she had to be honest about everything with just one opportunity to hide a dirty deed. The actress admitted that she’s hooked up with her ‘Hunger Games’ co-stars, even when the cameras weren’t rolling, and that she might’ve been a little high before one of the Oscars. Which one? We’ll never know for sure, but our bets are on the one where she faceplanted on her way up stage. Sounds about right. 

The World Needs Legends
Even with all of the upcoming superhero films charging their way into theaters next year, we can’t forget about the killer TV shows (like Arrow and The Flash) that dominate airwaves every week. The newest addition, Legends of Tomorrow, will debut early 2016, and the previews already hint an explosive adaptation intertwining several DC characters that we know and love. We’ve already been graced with a first-look, but here’s another action-packed promo for what is sure to be a CW success. Take a look:

31 Rock
Tina Fey’s impression of Sarah Palin is top notch, and probably one of the best things to come out of SNL in a long time. During her recent return as host this weekend, Fey reprised the role opposite Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton, and crushed it, to no surprise. Because Palin has probably been thinking of a way to ‘get back’ at Tina since 2008, the former VP candidate parodied 30 Rock in the best way she knew how, turning herself into Lynn Lemon and mocking Tina’s character, Liz. As ‘convincing’ as she hoped it to be, nothing will ever beat the NBC original, and it’s pretty clear the 1:00 minute video is more to promote her new book, Sweet Freedom. Stick to your day job, Palin… whatever that is.

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