Among the six actors who have played 007 so far, Daniel Craig‘s James Bond has had the least amount of sex. But he’s probably not too bothered by that, given how often he’s drunk on martinis.
The data team over at the Economist has done the important work of breaking down each Bond’s proportion of 007’s primary activities: Consuming cocktails, women and enemies’ lives.
Craig has thrown back the most martinis, and when he’s not busy drinking, he’s busy killing: He ranks just beyond Pierce Bronson as the most lethal bond. George Lazenby only got to play Bond once, but most of his time was spent simply getting busy. And Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton were the tamest Bonds of all.
As the Economist pointed out, when it comes to James Bond, it isn’t sex that sells tickets: Craig’s comparatively celibate spy has been the most successful of all at the box office.