Here’s the First Trailer for Dave Chappelle’s New Netflix Special With Actual Jokes In It
Watch Dave take hilarious aim at ISIS, O.J. Simpson, and table salt.

Since we already got the requisite artsy-fartsy trailer comprised of brooding black-and-white shots and a cryptic voiceover, we’re very happy to report that Netflix has finally dropped a clip from comedic genius Dave Chappelle‘s new special that shows him actually performing.
While we don’t hear any extended riffs, fans will certainly be happy to see Dave up on stage, cracking wise about ISIS, O.J., and the world’s deadliest condiment.
Chappelle’s first pair of specials will stream exclusively on Netflix starting March 21, hot on the heels of Amy Schumer’s hilarious turn at the mic.
Needless to say, we can hardly wait.