‘Deadpool 2’ Gets Near-Perfect Score in Test Screenings, Blows Away Original
We. Can’t. Wait.

A Hollywood Reporter exclusive just revealed some great news for Deadpool fans. While the first movie scored an excellent 91 with preview audiences, Deadpool 2 has scored from 91 to 98 percent, indicating some damn satisfied viewers.
THR cited a source familiar with test screenings that took place in Dallas. Producers presented two variations and one scored great with the audience at 94 percent, but the other killed it, pleasing just about everyone with a near-perfect 98.
THR reports these movie scores mean reshoots done in Canada added “more of what test screening audiences enjoyed.”
So we’re getting much more of the two best things about Deadpool: the action and Ryan Reynolds‘s flawless comic timing. Both Deadpools are basically grownup superhero movies, because who but adults could truly appreciate the character’s total mastery of four-letter words?

Deadpool 2 sounds like a must-see. It hits theaters on May 18, 2018.
h/t THR