In need of a refreshment?
Try this:
Brand: Deep Eddy Ruby Red Grapefruit Vodka
You might be saying, “Hold on a second, isn’t grapefruit just breakfast for sissies?”
Well, traditionally, yes.
But not anymore! Austin-based distillery Deep Eddy Vodka has done us all the great favor of transforming the dainty little grapefruit into something a bit less healthy and a whole lot more delicious (read: alcoholic). After a few sips of this stuff, you may even forget that what you¹re consuming contains alcohol, which is, of course, dangerous…by which we mean awesome. For a really special treat, try mixing it with BEER.
Here’s how:
1. Pour one or two shots of Ruby Red Vodka into a pint glass of Shiner’s Ruby Redbird beer.
2. Stir it around.
3. Get buzzed.
For additional recipes, visit the Deep Eddy Vodka website. And if grapefruit isn’t your thing, check out Deep Eddy’s regular vodka, distilled 10 times.
Check out Sam Adams Tetravis and Blurred Limes.