‘Coming 2 America’ Director Reveals Why Sequel Is Rated PG-13, Not R Like The First Movie
“If you look at the first movie, other than the gratuitous nudity of the bathers and some swearing, it is actually rather wholesome.”

Today’s PG-13 is yesterday’s R-rating, apparently. At least that’s one takeaway from an interview Coming 2 America director Craig Brewer recently gave to the Wall Street Journal.
Because yes, when Eddie Murphy‘s iconic Coming To America premiered in 1988, it was indeed R-rated. The upcoming sequel is the more family-friendly PG-13. What’s the difference?
Brewer was quoted by the WSJ as saying, “If an R-rated movie would work then we would do an R-rated movie.”
“I think we still have a really hilarious movie and we do push the boundaries on a PG-13 movie here and there.” Brewer said.

Craig Brewer, of course, isn’t remotely afraid of a harder rating, considering he has flicks like Murphy’s surprise comeback hit Dolemite Is My Name as well as Black Snake Moan and Hustle & Flow under his belt. All are R-rated and merit the rating, as well.
“If you look at [Coming To America], other than the gratuitous nudity of the bathers and some swearing, it is actually rather wholesome,” said Brewer of the 1988 movie, “It’s got a fairytale feel to it.” So…a fairytale with boobs and 4-letter words. Just like grandpa used to tell.
We’ll see if parents might have preferred the more mature rating after all when Coming 2 America premieres on Amazon Prime tomorrow, March 5, 2021.