Some Genius Spliced the End of ‘Rogue One’ With the Beginning of ‘Star Wars’ and It’s Perfect

Princess Leia
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Let’s be up front about it: the copyright police could get this video taken off Vimeo tomorrow. If so, that’d be pretty sad, at least to serious fans of the Star Wars franchise, because editor Barre Fong did something everyone who has seen Rogue One: A Star Wars Story probably considered at some point. 

Fong seamlessly tied the end of Rogue One to the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope and in doing so helped us imagine the Star Wars mega movie that nerd dreams are made of. Wise filmmakers would buy Fong’s edit—which contains, of course, Darth Vader’s awesome beat-down of fleeing Rebel soldiers—and put out a special edition.

Fong’s edit is also remarkable for the way he tied footage filmed with analog cameras in the 1970s with digitally-made scenes from the 2016 film. That’s some pretty impressive and subtle work.

Hit play and enjoy, while you still can. 

h/t Digg 

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