What more is there to say about the Great Rivera? He’s proven himself to be pretty much better at what he did than any athlete ever, he’s probably the most beloved player in baseball (have you seen all the gifts he’s received?), and he definitely had the best intro music of any athlete in history. But all that still couldn’t prepare Yankees fans, baseball fans, and hell, anyone with a heart, from getting a bit misty-eyed when Mo took the mound at Yankee Stadium for the last time last night. So let’s break it down.
First, the final entrance (cue “Enter Sandman”):
Then, in the ninth, Andy Pettite and Derek Jeter head to the mound to pull him from the game:
And, finally, he thanks his fans:
Then everyone in Yankee Stadium drowned in a torrent of tears. Thanks for the memories, Mo.
Photos by Elsa / Getty Images | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2013