Everyone Knows the Best Way To Soothe a Child Is To Place Him Between Nicki Minaj’s Breasts

Nicki Minaj doesn’t need a license to write prescriptions because her treatments are all natural.


Apr 1, 2015 at 4:24pm PDT

We have an old favorite Internet video that shows a child soothed by something distinctly adult. It is this video, in which a young girl’s crying stops only when Biggie Smalls’ “Hypnotize” is played on the Hi-Fi. However, today, an Instagram video of a distraught young boy, Donny, being soothed by the powerful, twin forces of Nicki Minaj’s left and right breasts is making a strong attempt for the top spot. What was formerly only speculation is now known medical truth: Nicki Minaj has the power to cure all of man’s ill’s using only a halter top. 

Photos by Elsa/Getty Images

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