World Famous Cat Lil Bub Has an Album Coming Out

Science & Magic has already been endorsed by Andrew W.K.

If Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran are allowed to make albums, then why the hell not a cat? And in the case of Science and Magic, due out on December 4 via Joyful Noise, one of the most Internet famous cats in the world, Lil Bub.

If you’re not familiar with Lil Bub, here’s some back story. In July of 2011, she was discovered as the runt of a healthy feral litter in a tool shed in rural Indiana at only a few weeks old. BUB was born with a multitude of genetic anomalies. She is a “perma-kitten”, which means she will stay kitten-sized and maintain kitten-like features her entire life. She also has an extreme case of dwarfism, which means her limbs are disproportionately small relative to the rest of her body and she has some difficulty moving around. She has short, stubby legs and a long, ferret-like body. Her lower jaw is significantly shorter than her upper jaw, and her teeth never grew in which is why her tongue is always hanging around.

Lil Bub has led a hugely successful kitty life so far. She’s written books, stared in an award winning documentary, and as of December, dropped an album, which will be released in all the normal ways, and as a limited run of 500 VIP copies with special artwork and a signature from Bub. 

Friend of Bub, Andrew W.K. released a statement about the album:

“It may seem impossible that a cat could compose an entire album of carefully crafted instrumental music, but BUB is not simply ‘a cat.’ She came from the deep unknown, on an intergalactic mission to help the people and animals of earth with her magic, talents, and otherworldly wisdom. I can attest to her power—the time I spent with her absolutely made me a better person.

The songs on this album are the soundtrack to BUB’s universal adventure, and a soundtrack to the universe itself. You’ll feel transported by the music’s stimulating spirit, and taken to places beyond your imagination’s limits, all the while experiencing the sonic aura of BUB’s loving and compassionate presence.

BUB is more than just a ‘muse’; she wrote this music and used the musicians on this album (BUB’s dude, Mike, and his close friend Matt, who is also the official bubbysitter), as her creative vessels to get the music from inside of her spirit and into your mind. If it weren’t for BUB, this music would not exist.”

Here’s a “behind the scenes” look at the making of Science & Magic.  After watching this, take pride in being the first among your circle of friends to add “straight up cat music” to your Tinder profile. It’ll work. 

Photos by Promo

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