Former Model Tells Why She Became a Soldier Against ISIS in New Trailer for  ‘Fear Us Women’ Documentary

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A former model left her cozy life in Canada to fight ISIS in Syria alongside the YPJ, an all-female Kurdish army.

Hanna Bohman’s motivations and experiences in a conflict zone are captured in the new documentary Fear Us Women, which is directed by David Darg and produced by actress Olivia Wilde.

(Photo: Vimeo)

“ISIS believes that if they’re killed by a woman, they won’t go to heaven. They go to hell,” the 48-year-old fighter says at the start of the trailer. “It’s an insult to them to be killed by women.”

(Photo: Vimeo)

Bohman, to the shock of everyone around her, left Vancouver, British Columbia in 2014 after hearing of foreigners volunteering to fight for the Islamic State.

(Photo: Vimeo)

“I was wondering if people could join ISIS… if people could volunteer to fight with ISIS, there must be a way for people to volunteer to fight against ISIS.”

(Photo: Vimeo)

Her decision to completely uproot her life for a war zone wasn’t motivated by bloodlust or even by glory. Her reasoning was far simpler. 

(Photo: Vimeo)

“When I went there, I would tell people, ‘I’m not going there to kill anyone. I’m going there to help people.'”

(Photo: Vimeo)

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