Watch the First Scene and the Explosive International Trailer For ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’



The premiere of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is just around the corner. With the recent release of numerous clips from the film it seems like Disney is either super-stoked and can’t wait to get it out, or they are nervous that people won’t come see a Star Wars film lacking a Skywalker or Wookiees. 

Whatever the reasons for dropping 30 minutes’ worth of the movie as well as the first scene—which you can watch above—fans may sit down in theaters in a week or so with more knowledge of events in the movie than many recent Christmas blockbusters. 

In the first scene, Jyn Erso’s father Galen (Mads Mikkelsen) is coerced by the man in charge of building the Death Star, Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) into coming with him to work on the planet-destroying weapon that figured so heavily in the first film released in 1977. The senior Erso owes Krennic a debt, basically, and Krennic has come to collect, due to Erso’s expertise in the crystals that power the weapon.

The scene above is another recently-released clip in which we see the moment the film’s title is finally name-checked. 

Uproxx also pointed to the International trailer, which is introduced by Chinese actors Donnie Yen, who plays warrior Chirrut Îmwe, and Jiang Wen, who is the awesomely-named assassin Baze Malbus. It follows the same structure of other trailers but we get a bit more action, explosions, and Darth Vader.

So get hyped. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story comes blazing into theaters on December 16. 

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