The First Poster For Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Out And It’s Awesome

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Fans have just two months to wait for the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and it probably comes as no surprise that a full court press of Disney/Lucasfilm ads are coming our way. We must admit, they’ve nailed it out of the gate with the first official poster for the film, which is so perfectly in the spirit of the franchise it almost feels like time travel to look at it.

Almost everything is there: the Millenium Falcon, a now-aged but still completely badass Harrison Ford as Han Solo, Chewie, storm troopers, and of course the new characters we’re looking forward to learning about—but one key character is missing: Luke Skywalker. 

In introducing this poster, ScreenCrush also noted it’s just a trickle before the coming flood:

As we previously reported, the Force Awakens poster is just the start of a big Star Wars push over the next 36 hours that includes the final trailer tomorrow during halftime of ESPN’s Monday Night Football, plus the launch of ticket pre-sales.

For the truly committed fans of the franchise with money to spare, ScreenCrush noted that in select locations there will be full marathons of every Star Wars film leading up to  the premiere of Force Awakens. Tickets for these will be $50. 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 18. Hopefully that’s when we’ll find out if there’s a perfectly good reason that the poster’s mysterious lack of Luke (Skywalker).

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