Watch this Crazy New Trailer For ‘Deadpool 2’ With Ryan Reynolds Channeling Bob Ross
“Hugs not drugs.”

Every new trailer or teaser for any Deadpool movie reminds us again how literally no one but Ryan Reynolds could pull off such a character—no one else has the right blend of believable action hero skills and comedic timing.
And that’s on display in this ridiculous teaser trailer for Deadpool 2 in a totally hilarious way.
Reynolds plays Deadpool as a Bob Ross clone and he and his cocaine habit host a public television painting show, Gettin’ Wet on Wet With Deadpool 2.
We get his inner monologue about how he’d love to roll in “snow” and then at about the 1:30 mark comes the real, fast-paced brief tease for the movie, which looks like one hell of a violent good time.

In the end there’s a very special Deadpool Thanksgiving image on the easel that should be on walls nationwide, because it’s totally in the spirit of the season.
Deadpool 2 doesn’t have an official title yet, but it rolls into theaters on June 1, 2018.