Watch Foo Fighters Rock ‘SNL’ With a Very Metal Medley of Holiday Music

Foo Fighters on SNL Christmas episode


The Kevin Hart-hosted Saturday Night Live Christmas episode wasn’t well-liked on social media. Many viewers had issues with Hart’s opening monologue about the perils of being a dad, and most sketches were unmemorable. 

The highlight of the night was Foo Fighters, by a long shot. Of course Dave Grohl and his band killed it in their first set of the night with a recording studio-perfect performance of “The Sky Is a Neighborhood.”

But they probably created a classic SNL musical moment with their second set (first video above.) Grohl delivered a quiet, meditative performance of “Everlong” that segued into a medley of “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” and—hilariously—”Linus and Lucy.”

If Twitter hated Kevin Hart’s bit at the beginning, viewers were there for Foo Fighters, 100%.

And they couldn’t have done it at all without those ugly Christmas sweaters. 

Saturday Night Live returns with host Sam Rockwell and musical guest Halsey on January 13, 2018. 

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