Taking up one year after the whirlwind events in 2013’s Now You See Me, the sequel sees the titular Four Horsemen (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, and the newest ‘girl Horseman,’ Lizzy Caplan) up to their usual antics before being lured by tech genius Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe) to steal the key to every computer system on the planet. Sounds just like a casual Wednesday afternoon, right?
Under the direction of a formerly-Gamma induced Mark Ruffalo, the elusive illusionists must use their array of talents to put an end to Mabry and his accomplice, the recently imprisoned Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman). The setting is larger, the stakes are higher, and the magic is like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
Now You See Me 2 will arrive in theaters on June 10.