Some Mad Genius Figured Out Which Show Has More Violent Deaths: ‘The Walking Dead’ or ‘Game of Thrones’
Which show do you think is bloodier?

Someone with presumably a little too much time on their hands has tallied up the total death count in the first five seasons of two of TV’s most popular shows, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Before you start placing your bets, it’s important to take a couple of considerations into account.
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The Walking Dead has a slight leg up as there are 67 episodes in seasons 1-5, while Game of Thrones has had a mere 50 episodes to rack up the its kill count. Also, only deaths that occurred on-screen or were “heavily-implied” were counted. And obviously, the word “dead” is in the title of the post-apocalyptic zombie smash.
All of that said, Redditor “nachorykaart” meticulously studied every episode and divided the slaughter into four categories: Main Character Deaths, Side Character Deaths, and Background Character Deaths, and Non-Human Character Deaths. He even created a nifty infographic:
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While GoT won out in three of the four categories, the insanely-high number of non-human character (i.e. zombie) deaths in The Walking Dead gave it the highest total death count.
So if you ever want to win a bar bet over which blood-soaked show is technically more violent, now you know.
h/t: Uproxx