Sony gave us a Valentine’s Day present with a teaser trailer for the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot. It definitely does its job: we certainly feel teased into wanting more. While the original, iconic film sometimes played up the comedy element, this trailer is unafraid of winding up viewers as if we’re in for a thriller—there is no visual punchline to the alleviate the tension of the police and military footage.
We’re left hanging, and that’s certainly what this was meant to do.
Of course this is really a trailer for a trailer, as the real magillah drops March 3rd.
Valentine’s Day, 2016 is significant to Ghostbusters fans, however—that’s the date Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman learns the world will end in a strange conversation he has with a character in Ghostbusters 2. It only makes sense the producers of the new film elected to give us something.
Slashfilm has more on the reboot here. In the meantime we’ll just have to stay frosty while we wait for further hints as to what’s coming. Also, remember to never cross the streams.
h/t Slashfilm