The Golf Hovercraft has been making those of us who haven’t picked up a club, well, ever, salivate over the thought of spending the day on the links ever since its Bubba Watson-piloted entrance onto the scene (green?). That was followed shortly by the news that a public golf course in Ohio ordered a pair of the futuristic flyers to rent out to curious golfers. Unfortunately, just as we were booking an airline ticket, professional worst-person-ever Darren Rovell tweeted that the carts would only be driven by trained caddies, who would most likely “turn this hovercraft right around, young man” if we tried using it for any of the things we’d want it for.
But rest easy, friends, because makers of all things amazing Hammacher Schlemmer has debuted their own version of the golf cart hovercraft, which can be yours for only $58,000. The vehicle floats 9 inches above the ground, where it hits speeds of 25 MPH and “speeds up an 18-hole outing.” Oh sure, because once we have a freaking hovercraft on the course, the thing we’re going to want to do is go home quicker.
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The Golf Hovercraft Can Finally Be Yours
If you have almost 60 grand, that is.