Who would have believed they could make a reality show more gruesome than Keeping Up With The Kardashians?
Photo Courtesy of Vice
Are you a fan of shows that take you to faraway lands, like Anthony Bourdain’sNo Reservations, but have always thought they would be better with less Vietnamese soup and more civil unrest? Then HBO has got the program for you. Premiering tonight, VICE—which is executive produced by Maxim Icon Bill Maher—is a series whose goal is to “show some of the scariest, weirdest, and most absurd customs and practices known to humanity.” No, it’s not an intensive investigation into the sex lives of our editors. Rather, it covers stories like political assassinations in the Philippines, the sumo/Mixed Martial Arts craze in Senegal, and the nuclear stare-down in Kashmir. The reporters actually put themselves in real danger; and we’re not talking about jumping into a pool. Check out this clip, then set your DVRs. VICE is proof-positive that reality TV doesn’t have to suck balls.
VICE premieres April 5th at 11pm on HBO.
Want to see more Maxim TV coverage? Check out Kevin Ware Takes on Letterman’s Top 10 and Game of Thrones is Better When You Know What The Hell is Happening.