Agent 47’s ninth outing is on the horizon with a worldwide release date in March, but for those who can’t wait to use a zany disguise to assassinate fresh prey, we’ve got good news: the Hitman beta starts this Friday, Feburary 12th for PlayStation 4 and February 19th for PC.
The trailer showcases just some of the spectacular many ways Agent 47’s learned to take out his targets since the beginning of his career. Going to train to become an elite assassin looks kind of thrilling, and it’s fascinating to see how 47 got his start. The whole facility thing doesn’t look too much fun, but the “dressing up as other people” thing that’s a mainstay in the series is obviously back in full force.
But beneath the trailer lies a brewing controversy over the game’s rollout. The only way into the beta at this time is to preorder a digital copy, but any digital edition will get you access, and the Full Experience, Intro Pack, and Collector’s Edition will all include a beta code. Unfortunately for anyone who preordered a physical copy, you’re out of luck: Square Enix will not be giving access to anyone outside of those who preordered (and even Xbox preorders may be screwed).
The beta will reportedly consist of the game’s prologue. You’re dropped into a top secret recruitment and training facility, where you’ll see how Agent 47 joined the ICA and met his handler, Diana Burnwood. In the beta, you’ll get to participate in two free-form hits and try out the other new mechanics featured in the ninth installment of the beloved series. Any progress in the Hitman beta will carry over to the full game.
The game, in general, looks better than Hitman: Absolution, and returns to the open-world formula that made its predecessors so enthralling. However, it remains to be seen whether or not Square Enix’s episodic format will be a hit or miss.