Hollywood’s 11 Sexiest Horror Movie Scream Queens

Wide eyes, heaving bosoms, and tremolo High Cs: Please welcome the beautiful women of horror. 

The Scream Queen: Sometimes, it takes an actress several horror-movie roles to earn the title, while others are crowned after just one iconic, terrified performance. From Jamie Lee Curtis and her handful of ear-piercing roles to Sarah Michelle Gellar’s marathon run as the vampire-staking/vampire-loving Buffy, these actresses elevated the genre from B-movie schlock to something approaching art (blood-splattered art made by high-school students, but still). Many are blonde, most are crafty, and some wind up with an ax in the back. By popular vote (cast in box-office dollars), these are the top gore-and-glamour actresses in Hollywood. 

Photos by Mary Evans/Universal Pictures/Ronald Grant/Everett Collection

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